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N-7863 Overhalla
Phone: +47 74 28 15 00 Fax: +47 74 28 14 32

Overhalla Hotel
The Wild Life Hotel

Salmonfishing in the Namsen "Queen of rivers"

Our customers appreciate special that they come to a little discreet family managed hotel that still have good service and tasty food.

Overhalla Hotel is situated 190 km north of Trondheim Airport, and 22 km from Namsos local Airport.


24 good furnished rooms with shower, WC, television and telephone.

Alle rooms may be used as double bedded or as twinbedded.

Dining room with various menus

We may mention a couple of attractive preparations of salmon, lamb, game, Norwegian lunchtable. We offer good wines and lobbybar also.

Salmonfishing in the NAMSEN

"Queen of rivers"

The season runs for 3 months from 1 June to the end of August.

The tributary "Bjøra" has fishingstart 15 May.

Our guests catch about 550 Salmon yearly. Of these are about 120 - 150 more than 7 kg (about 15 lbs). Some of them are more than 40 lbs. The average is 16 lbs.

In addition comes between 200 and 300 Sea Trouts.

We catch most fish froom boat - Harling methode, but you may also try Flyfishing from boat with a local rower.

We also have some good beats for bankfishing. The season for bankfishing with Fly will in normal years start in the middle of July.

The hotel may offer Gillie and complete equipment.

The Namsen have some very good Tributaries. If you either want to fish with light equipment in smaller rivers, please ask us, and we will find an attractive beat for you.

Please send us a message and ask for our coloured brochure and statistics. When we know your concrete wishes we will make an offer.

If you do not want to fish all day, perhaps you are not a fisherman, you still may overnight in the hotel and find activities along the Rv17 (The Coastal Route) or along the smaller roads in the highland or by the coast.

We look forward to see you as our guest:

Elsa and Oddvar Heilong - host and hostess

© Kystriksveien